Monday, August 31, 2009

Things I've learned from my 'older brother.'

I've been reading a lot of Jewish books lately. Here is some of what I've learned:

Soul mates are made, not born.

Don't date someone who isn't interested in a serious relationship. There is no hope in it and much heartache.

If you think marriage is going to make you happy, you will be disappointed. If you think marriage is about blessing your spouse, you will never be disappointed and you will find joy.

The reason to pray at certain times each day and in certain ways is so that you will get in the habit of praying whether you feel like it or not. Anybody can be nice when they feel like it. Praying when you don't feel like it makes God smile.

The reason to eat kosher is not because it's healthier or better-tasting, but because it teaches you that you are not the Master. If you can recognize you are not the master of what you eat, you may just accept God is God of other things that really matter.

By the way, you are not the Master. A lot of the Law has been given to teach us that we have a Lord (he loves us, but he's still the boss). We may not understand every command, but even if we don't, that He is Lord is a lesson we can learn.

Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands after you eat. There is blessing in beginning, and a blessing in being finished.

Most of what I've read is pretty squarely in line with Christian orthodoxy. It's obvious we have some family resemblance. The words of the rabbis shed blazing light on the gospels, on Jesus, on his teachings, even though they don't see him as I do.

We have a lot to learn from our 'older brother.' I am grateful.

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