Tuesday, May 17, 2011

100 Years from Now

As a youth, my mom, font of wisdom that she is, always used to tell me: "100 years from now, no one will know the difference." It was usually when I was upset about something, or hadn't been able to meet someone's expectations. Since then, Mom's voice has echoed in my thoughts many times. What will this current situation mean 100 years from now?

Last week, a friend and I argued. I rarely lose my temper outside my family (that's a whole other subject), but in our conversation I could hear my voice raise in pitch. Neither of us said particularly hurtful words. We simply drove each other crazy, pushed one too many buttons. We ended with apologies, hopes for future, but our voices were still tight with anger. My stomach in knots, I simply went home.

On Sunday evening, we met accidentally at church. Maybe accidentally; it turned out to be a gift. We looked at each other, she hugged me. We didn't solve any problems, but we acknowledged we're on the same team. Reconciliation. Peace.

100 years from now, the conflict will be forgotten. We'll both be alive and well in the world to come. Jesus told us that whatever we bind, will be bound in the world to come, and whatever we loose will be loosed.

I'm going for loose. An eternity of loose sounds pretty good to me.

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