Saturday, June 21, 2008

My friend and I are always discussing the people who bug us. "Idiots," one of us will observe. After all, everyone should think like us! Usually the idiots think everyone should think like them. We know it doesn't help the world - it just helps us cope with people who challenge our determination to love.

I've found, though, that an hour on my bike in the warm summer sun, and it doesn't matter so much. Something strange comes over me. Not well-being, exactly. It's more like my body is praying while my mind is looking for potholes and shards of glass. By the time I turn the corner toward home, I am free of the worry and the stress. God is in his heaven and I am willing to let him do his job.

No other exercise has done this for me, to this point. What I'll do this winter, I don't know. Perhaps there are snow tires for bicycles?

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